Galerie des sons 音のギャラリー

A L'aube des Temps        Cécile BRICE + IWATA Wataru


CD Album 詩画集 ¥2200 (税抜 )

CD Album  +  Recueil des poêmes        20 € 


限定版(50)フォトモンタージュ はがき(9枚セット)+ CD  + クラフトジャケット + 詩画集 が一つになった アート・ボックス      

¥5000 税抜 )


Edition Limitée signée (50)  Photo Montage  (9 Postcards set)  + CD  + craft pochette  + Recueil des poêmes (poems Booklet) +  Art Box


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A l’aube des temps est un album réalisé par IWATA wataru et Cécile Brice rassemblant des instants de vie mis en poêmes musicaux. La diversité des ambiances appelle en nous des souvenirs de sentiments oubliés, éveille les sens de nouveau mis à nu, fomente l’onirisme bouleversé par la tempête des temps.  


At the dawn of time is an album realized by IWATA wataru and Cécile Brice gathering moments of life set in musical poems. The diversity of atmospheres invokes in us memories of forgotten feelings, awakens the senses laid bare, fomenting the onirism upset by the storm of the times.


「 刻の夜明けに 」は、様々な“生の瞬間”をまとめた音楽詩。多岐にわたる空間感覚は、忘却した感情の記憶を私たちに呼び起こし、露わになった感覚を目覚めさせ、刻の襲撃によって散り散りになった夢を扇動する。

 Cécile Brice 

After a musical training, Cécile Brice began studying ethnology and then urbanism in France that led her to Japan since 2000. Specializing in urban sociology, she is strongly committed to defend the rights of protection for the victims of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. She write a lot about it, organized and participated to several international symposia on those issues. The narratives of the victims of nuclear explosion will make her feel a need for a new form of expression that will go through photo-editing, writing, and a return to her musical sources.





IWATA Wataru

He spent youth in Boston, NY, and received a shudder from Jazz. In addition to performances of free jazz such as piano trio etc in Japan, he also develops a wide range of creative, performances and produces activities in the fields of classical, contemporary, electronic acoustics, electro, ambient and others. He also actively participates at divers fields of arts such as painting, installation, convening international scientific symposium, curating of art exhibitions.






1. Hyônenzu, la calebasse et le poisson - chat

Music composition : IWATA Wataru          Track : YAMADA Kiyohito       Written & Reading, Picture  : BRICE Cécile

2. L'aquarium

Music composition : IWATA Wataru          Track : YAMADA Kiyohito        Written & Reading, Picture  : BRICE Cécile

3. La belle ou l'émeu s'émeut

Music composition : IWATA Wataru           Written & Reading, Picture  : BRICE Cécile

4. Poisson

Music composition : IWATA Wataru          Poem : Paul Eluard         Reading/Picture : BRICE Cécile

5. Mephisto au pays des merveilles

Music composition /Jp text written: IWATA Wataru        Jp text reading : Yukiko HIRANUMA        Fr text  written & Reading/Picture : BRICE Cécile

6. Transhumance

Music composition : IWATA Wataru           Written & Reading, Picture : BRICE Cécile

7. Morte nature

Music composition : IWATA Wataru         Track : YAMADA Kiyohito       Written & Reading, Picture : BRICE Cécile

8. Rêves

Music composition : IWATA Wataru             Written & Reading, Picture : BRICE Cécile

9. L'orchidée du temps

Music composition : IWATA Wataru             Written & Reading, Picture : BRICE Cécile